Laboratory for Gut Homeostasis

Recent Major Publications


Selected Publications:

・ Atarashi K, Tanoue T, Oshima K, Suda W, Nagano Y, Nishikawa H, Fukuda S, Saito T, Narushima S, Hase K, Kim S, Fritz JV, Wilmes P, Ueha S, Matsushima K, Ohno H, Olle B, Sakaguchi S, Taniguchi T, Morita H, Hattori M, Honda K*. Treg induction by a rationally selected mixture of Clostridia strains from the human microbiota. Nature 500:232-236. (2013) *corresponding author

・ Furusawa Y, Obata Y, Fukuda S, Endo T, Nakato G, Takahashi D, Nakanishi Y, Uetake C, Kato K, Kato T, Takahashi M, Fukuda N, Murakami S, Miyauchi E, Hino S, Atarashi A, Onawa S, Fujimura Y, Lockett T, Clarke JM, Topping DL, Tomita M, Hori S, Ohara O, Morita T, Koseki H, Kikuchi J, Honda K, Hase K, Ohno H. Commensal microbe-derived butyrate induces colonic regulatory T cells, Nature. 504(7480):446-50 (2013)

・ Yoshimoto S, Loo TM, Atarashi K, Kanda H, Sato S, Oyadomari S, Iwakura Y, Oshima K, Morita H, Hattori M, Honda K, Ishikawa Y, Hara E, Ohtani N. Obesity-induced gut microbial metabolite promotes liver cancer through senescence secretome. Nature 499:97-101. (2013)

・ Ohyagi H, Onai N, Sato T, Yotsumoto S, Liu J, Akiba H, Yagita H, Atarashi K, Honda K, Roers A, Müller W, Kurabayashi K, Hosoi-Amaike M, Takahashi N, Hirokawa M, Matsushima K, Sawada K, Ohteki T. Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells Perform Hemophagocytosis to Fine-Tune Excessive Immune Responses. Immunity. 39(3):584-98. (2013)

・ Schlitzer A, McGovern N, Teo P, Zelante T, Atarashi K, Low D, Ho AW, See P, Shin A, Wasan PS, Hoeffel G, Malleret B, Heiseke A, Chew S, Jardine L, Purvis HA, Hilkens CM, Tam J, Poidinger M, Stanley ER, Krug AB, Renia L, Sivasankar B, Ng LG, Collin M, Ricciardi-Castagnoli P, Honda K, Haniffa M, Ginhoux F. IRF4 transcription factor-dependent CD11b+ dendritic cells in human and mouse control mucosal IL-17 cytokine responses. Immunity. 38:970-83. (2013)

・ Mucida D, Husain MM, Muroi S, van Wijk F, Shinnakasu R, Naoe Y, Reis BS, Huang Y, Lambolez F, Docherty M, Attinger A, Shui JW, Kim G, Lena CJ, Sakaguchi S, Miyamoto C, Wang P, Atarashi K, Park Y, Nakayama T, Honda K, Ellmeier W, Kronenberg M, Taniuchi I, Cheroutre H. Transcriptional reprogramming of mature CD4⁺ helper T cells generates distinct MHC class II-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Nat Immunol. 14:281-9. (2013)

・ Negishi H, Miki S, Sarashina H, Taguchi-Atarashi N, Nakajima A, Matsuki K, Endo N, Yanai H, Nishio J, Honda K, Taniguchi T. Essential contribution of IRF3 to intestinal homeostasis and microbiota-mediated Tslp gene induction. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109:21016-21. (2012)

・ Ivanov II*, Honda K*. Intestinal commensal microbes as immune modulators. Cell Host Microbe. 12:496-508. (2012) *corresponding authors

・ Negishi H, Yanai H, Nakajima A, Koshiba R, Atarashi K, Matsuda A, Matsuki K, Miki S, Doi T, Aderem A, Nishio J, Smale ST, Honda K, Taniguchi T. Cross-interference of RLR and TLR signaling pathways modulates antibacterial T cell responses. Nat Immunol. 13(7):659-66. (2012)

Honda K*, Littman DR*. The microbiome in infectious disease and inflammation. Ann Rev Immunol. 30:759-95. (2012) *corresponding authors

・ Induction of colonic regulatory T cells by indigenous Clostridium species. Atarashi K, Tanoue T, Shima T, Imaoka A, Kuwahara T, Momose Y, Cheng G, Yamasaki S, Saito T, Ohba Y, Taniguchi T, Takeda K, Hori S, Ivanov II, Umesaki Y, Itoh K and Honda K*. Science 331:337-341 (2011)  *corresponding author

・ Contribution of IRF5 in B cells to the development of murine SLE-like disease through its transcriptional control of the IgG2a locus.  Savitsky DA, Yanai H, Tamura T, Taniguchi T, Honda KProc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107:10154-9. (2010) 

・ Induction of intestinal Th17 cells by segmented filamentous bacteria. Ivanov II, Atarashi K, Manel N, Brodie EL, Shima T, Karaoz U, Wei D, Goldfarb KC, Santee CA, Lynch SV, Tanoue T, Imaoka A, Itoh K, Takeda K, Umesaki Y, Honda K*, Littman DR*. Cell 139:485-98. (2009) *corresponding author

・ HMGB proteins function as universal sentinels for nucleic-acid-mediated innate immune responses.  Yanai H, Ban T, Wang Z, Choi MK, Kawamura T, Negishi H, Nakasato M, Lu Y, Hangai S, Koshiba R, Savitsky D, Ronfani L, Akira S, Bianchi ME, Honda K, Tamura T, Kodama T, Taniguchi T. Nature. 462:99-103. (2009)

・ Negishi H, Osawa T, Ogami K, Ouyang X, Sakaguchi S, Koshiba R, Yanai H, Seko Y, Shitara H, Bishop K, Yonekawa H, Tamura T, Kaisho T, Taya C, Taniguchi T, Honda K. A critical link between Toll-like receptor 3 and type II interferon signaling pathways in antiviral innate immunity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105:20446-51. (2008)

・ Atarashi K, Nishimura J, Shima T, Umesaki Y, Yamamoto M, Onoue M, Yagita H, Ishii N, Evans R, Honda K*, Takeda K*. ATP drives lamina propria T(H)17 cell differentiation. Nature 455:808-12. (2008) *corresponding author

・ Kano SI., Sato K., Morishita Y., Vollstedt S., Kim S., Bishop K., Honda K., Kubo M., Taniguchi T.  The contribution of transcription factor IRF1 to the interferon-gamma-interleukin 12 signaling axis and T(H)1 versus T(H)-17 differentiation of CD4(+) T cells. Nature Immunology 9: 34–41. (2008).

・ Takaoka A, Wang Z, Choi MK, Yanai H, Negishi H, Ban T, Lu Y, Miyagishi M, Kodama T, Honda K, Ohba Y, Taniguchi T. DAI (DLM-1/ZBP1) is a cytosolic DNA sensor and an activator of innate immune response. Nature 448:501-5. (2007)

・ Yanai, H., H.M. Chen, T. Inuzuka, S. Kondo, T.W. Mak, A. Takaoka, K. Honda, and T. Taniguchi.  Role of IRF5 transcription factor in antiviral immunity and tumor suppression. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104:3402-3407. (2007)

・ Negishi, H., Y. Fujita, H. Yanai, S. Sakaguchi, X. Ouyang, M. Shinohara, H. Takayanagi, Y. Ohba, T. Taniguchi, and K. Honda. Evidence for licensing of IFN-g-induced IRF1 transcription factor by MyD88 in TLR-dependent gene induction program.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 103:15136-15141. (2006).

Honda, K., A. Takaoka, and T. Taniguchi. Type I interferon gene induction by the interferon regulatory factor family of transcription factors.  Immunity 25:349-360. (2006).

Honda, K., and T. Taniguchi.  IRFs: master regulators of signalling by Toll-like receptors and cytosolic pattern-recognition receptors. Nature Reviews Immunology 6:644-658. (2006).

・ Negishi, H., Y. Ohba, H. Yanai, A. Takaoka, K. Honma, K. Yui, T. Matsuyama, T. Taniguchi, and K. Honda.  Negative regulation of Toll-like-receptor signaling by IRF-4.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102:15989-15994. (2005).

・ Takaoka, A., H. Yanai, S. Kondo, G. Duncan, H. Negishi, T. Mizutani, S. Kano, K. Honda, Y. Ohba, T. W. Mak, and T. Taniguchi.  Integral role of IRF-5 in the gene induction programme activated by Toll-like receptors.  Nature 434:243-249. (2005).

Honda, K., H. Yanai, H. Negishi, M. Asagiri, M. Sato, T. Mizutani, N. Shimada, Y. Ohba, A. Takaoka, N. Yoshida, and T. Taniguchi.  IRF-7 is the master regulator of type-I interferon-dependent immune responses.  Nature 434:772-777. (2005).

Honda, K., Y. Ohba, H. Yanai, H. Negishi, T. Mizutani, A. Takaoka, C. Taya, and T. Taniguchi.  Spatiotemporal regulation of MyD88-IRF-7 signalling for robust type-I interferon induction. Nature 434:1035-1040. (2005).

Honda, K., H. Yanai, T. Mizutani, H. Negishi, N. Shimada, N. Suzuki, Y. Ohba, A. Takaoka, W. C. Yeh, and T. Taniguchi. Role of a transductional- transcriptional processor complex involving MyD88 and IRF-7 in Toll-like receptor signaling. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 101:15416-15421. (2004).

Honda, K., T. Mizutani, and T. Taniguchi.  Negative regulation of IFN-a/b signaling by IFN regulatory factor 2 for homeostatic development of dendritic cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 101:2416-2421. (2004).

・ Takaoka, A., S. Hayakawa, H. Yanai, D. Stoiber, H. Negishi, H. Kikuchi, S. Sasaki, K. Imai, T. Shibue, K. Honda, and T. Taniguchi.  Integration of interferon-a/b signalling to p53 responses in tumour suppression and antiviral defence. Nature 424:516-523. (2003).

Honda, K., S. Sakaguchi, C. Nakajima, A. Watanabe, H. Yanai, M. Matsumoto, T. Ohteki, T. Kaisho, A. Takaoka, S. Akira, T. Seya, and T. Taniguchi.  Selective contribution of IFN-a/b signaling to the maturation of dendritic cells induced by double-stranded RNA or viral infection. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 100:10872-10877. (2003).

​・Honda, K*., Nakano, H., Yoshida, H., Nishikawa, S., Rennert, P., Ikuta, K., Tamechika, M., Yamaguchi, K., Fukumoto, T., Chiba, T., and Nishikawa, S.I.  Molecular basis for hematopoietic / mesenchymal interaction during initiation of Peyer’s patch organogenesis. J. Exp. Med. 193:621-630 (2001). *corresponding author