Jobs & Training

Young Chief Investigator Program

The purpose of this new program is to provide a career path for young investigators who conduct multidisciplinary research that will bridge immunology with other research fields. The Young Chief Investigators are expected to be pioneers in new research fields and, if successful, they will be candidates for future TL positions to establish a new research field as one of the core research programs at RIKEN IMS.
The Young Chief Investigator (YCI) runs an independent research laboratory in terms of funding and research. The laboratory, however, share space, equipment and facilities with a host laboratory in the Center. Three or four specialists from the related fields serve as mentors for each YCI. Mentors provide guidance for experimental design, preparation of papers and presentations, promotion of international visibility, and obtaining research funding. In addition, YCI Program Committee is held every year to provide advice, consider the project's relevance and value as a part of the core research programs at the Center, and necessary changes in the level of Center's support.

Young Chief Investigator Members

figure of Young Chief Investigator

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