RIKEN IMS AnnualReport 2021

765th RIKEN IMS-Stanford ISCBRM Joint SymposiumRIKEN/Chiba-Luxembourg Scientific SymposiumDecember 15, 2021, 16:30-19:35, Japan time, Online WebexNovember 30-December 1, 2021, 9:00-12:00, Japan Time–How to boost research collaborations through open data exchange –Online, Zoom MeetingInstitute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (ISCBRM). As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the sympo-sium was held on Zoom for 2 days, 3 hours each day. This year, the symposium was directed by Prof. Kyle Loh of Stanford, and a wide variety of speakers were invited, such as from full-professors to Ph.D students, and from developmental biology to clinical applications. Topics included immunology, hematology, skin biology, lung regeneration, lipidomics, microbiomes, and stem cell biology. From Stanford ISCBRM; Roel Nusse, Jonas Fowler, Lay Teng Ang, Agnieszka Czechowicz, Hiro Nakauchi, Massimo Nichane, Gaetano D’Amato, and, of course, Irving L. Weissman gave talks. At the last minute, Irv invited Dan Liu to his slot to present his breaking results on human fetal brain stem and pro-genitor cells. From RIKEN IMS; Hailing Mei, Hiroshi Ohno, Xiang Nie, Makoto Arita, Chengcheng Zou, Takaharu Okada, and Yasuhiro Murakawa presented their latest results. About 70 participants in total from both sides joined each day (Photo), and we had very active and productive discussions after each talk despite the distance and time-zone difference. We missed the versity, the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) of the University of Luxembourg, and the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) was held on December 15th, 2021. An-nual symposiums have been held since 2014 between RIKEN and Luxembourgian partners as part of a large collaborative frame-work which features the RIKEN Outpost Laboratory, located on the University of Luxembourg campus (LCSB). This outpost serves as a research network hub in which scientists from RIKEN and partners in Japan undertake collaborative research in Luxem-bourg with Luxembourgian partners.This year’s symposium focused on accelerating collaboration through open data exchanges. Presenters in Luxembourg focused on platform development, including detection of novel omics layers (exposomes, post-translational modifications) and data standardization of their community-wide systems biology data-bases. RIKEN and Chiba University scientists presented on large-scale data integration and mathematical modeling in the context of disease systems biology. The meeting was attended by over 100 people with a hybrid format in Japan (on-site and online) and fully online in Luxembourg with funding from JSPS in Japan and FNR in Luxembourg.The symposium also featured keynote speaker Dr. Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann who spoke on the impact of planetary health social events like in previous years, but we could take a deep dive into the joy of biology. In 2022, the next joint symposium will be hosted by RIKEN IMS. We hope we can have an in-person meet-ing in Yokohama.and climate change on human diseases. We also welcomed the new LCSB Director Dr. Michael Heneka, and opening remarks were made by Dr. Ulf Nehrbass (CEO of the Luxembourg In-stitute of Health) and closing remarks by Dr. Haruhiko Koseki (Deputy Director of RIKEN IMS). The symposium resulted in active scientific discussions and boosted collaborative momen-tum between these partners. The meeting was closed on a highly positive note with plans for further exchange of scientists between these two countries.RIKEN IMS-Stanford ISCBRM Joint SymposiumIn 2021, we held the 5th joint symposium with the Stanford RIKEN-Chiba University-Luxembourg Scientific Symposium–How to boost research collaborations through open data exchange–A scientific symposium between RIKEN IMS, Chiba Uni-

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